Applicant Resources Right To Appeal

The City of Lancaster Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Board guide the Bureau of Police hiring practice. Rule XXIII, Section 23.1, states:

Any Applicant aggrieved by any decision of the Bureau of Police or decision or action of the Civil Service Commission may appeal that action or decision by filling with the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission a written request for a hearing within ten (10) days of the occurrence of the aggrieved action. The written request shall include specific details as to the matter complained of and appealed in sufficient detail that the Board can determine from such written notice the nature of the matter being appealed of or complained of. The Board shall thereafter schedule and conduct a public hearing on the matter complained of. All findings of the Commission on such appeal shall be provided in writing to the Applicant.

If you would like to appeal and request a public hearing before the Board to contest a decision of the Bureau of Police, please provide your written request to appeal to the Secretary of the Civil Service Board at the address below.

Barry N. Handwerger, Secretary
City of Lancaster
120 N. Duke Street
Lancaster, PA 17608
(717) 517-5715